Onsite Tutoring Sessions Start At
- $210 covers the first 1.5 hours of an onsite appointment.
- Each 15 minutes beyond 1.5 hours is an additional $35.
- ($140/hr.)
- Onsite visits will usually be limited to no more than two hours at a time, so new information can be absorbed.
- Onsite services to be rendered outside of a 30-minute one-way commute from Your Computer Tutor’s home office may be subject to a trip fee.
Remote Assistance Starts At
- $35 covers the first 15 minutes of an online session.
- Each 15-minute increment beyond the first is an additional $35.
- ($140/hr)
Discounted Pre-Paid “6-Pack”
- 10% discount for pre-paid purchases of 6 hours (reduces rate to $126/hr.)
- When used for onsite services, the six hours are typically divided among three separate sessions; four sessions at the most, as the minimum charge for an onsite visit is 1.5 hours.
- The 6-Pack package is ideal for those with several topics to address, or for settling into a new computer.
All services are subject to our Services Agreement, which will be provided for review and signature prior to scheduling your first appointment.
Payment is due and collected at the end of the session. Cash, checks, and major credit cards are accepted.
Your device(s) must be in good working order so that we may have a productive appointment. Issues such as virus removal, major operating system problems, hardware failure, etc. will be referred to an appropriate technician.
Cancellations by the client within 24 hours of an an appointment may result in a cancellation fee equivalent to the minimum visit charge for the type of appointment (the “starts at” charges above).